Victory Recovery is a full recovery plant, proudly licensed with 17 Scheduled Waste Codes as designated under the First Schedule of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005.
SW1 Metal & Metal Bearing Waste
SW 104 Solder Waste
SW 109 Fluorescent Tubes & Bulbs
SW 110 Electrical & Electronic Waste

SW2 Inorganic Waste containing Metal & Organic Bearing Waste
SW 202 Waste Catalyst
SW 204 Metal Hydroxide Sludge

SW3 Organic Waste containing Metal & Inorganic Bearing Waste
SW 305 Spent Lubrication Oil
SW 306 Spent Hydraulic Oil
SW 307 Spent Mineral Oil-Water Emulsion
SW 311 Waste Oil & Oily Sludge
SW 325 Silver Epoxy & Silver Paste

SW4 Organic Or Inorganic Bearing Waste
SW 409 Contaminated Containers, Carboys and Bags
SW 410 Contaminated Rags, Tissues and papers
SW 411 Spent Carbon Active
SW 416 Sludges of Inks, Paints, Pigments, Lacquer, Dye or Varnish
SW 417 Waste of Inks, Paints, Pigments, Lacquer, Dye or Vanish
SW 422 Mixture of Scheduled & Non-scheduled Waste
SW 423 Photographic Waste